With 50 Cent’s horrendous first pitch on Tuesday night at the Met’s game it seems appropriate to put together a list of the worst ever ceremonial first pitches. Some of these people look like they’ve never thrown anything ever in their whole entire lives. Like not even a rock or a snowball or a crumpled up piece of paper. Now there have been worst throws than some of these, but when you combine the status of the thrower, presumed athletic ability, and the complete lack of quality on these pitches you have the 10 worst ceremonial first pitches ever.
1) 50 Cent, Rapper and Guy Who Looks Like He Should Be Athletic
I wander if if he ever threatens to “throw down” and people start laughing because he might miss.
2) Jim Thome, Former Really Good Professional Baseball Player
I guess this explains why he was a designated hitter.
3) Nick Young, Professional Basketball Player
Shooting jumpers through a small metal circle is apparently easier than throwing stuff in the right direction.
4) Carly Rae Jepsen, One Hit Wonder
I wonder if, maybe, the Rays regret calling her.
5) Barack Obama, Leader of the Free World
We let that guy be Commander in Chief?
6) Charlie Crist, Former Governor of Florida
If he ever wondered why he didn’t get re-elected. . .
7) Mariah Carey, Uber Pop Star
At least she dressed to impress.
8) Carl Lewis, Olympic Gold Medalist At Running and Jumping
Talk about multi-talented, this guy also makes the list for worst national anthems ever!
9) Shawn Johnson, Olympic Gold Medalist at Flips and Acrobatics
If you can do a triple back handspring you really ought to be able to throw a ball 40 feet.
10) Denard Robinson, Former University of Michigan Quarterback
. . .Current NFL Running Back, and you can see why.