Children whine without cease
It is to be expected.
It’s still annoying.
Daughters are lovely
But they never stop talking
So so many words.
Babies are so cute
It’s a very good thing too
Since they never sleep
Kids rebel often
But they give so many hugs
It’s all ok now
Mac and cheese again
Get used to it, moms and dads
Every lunch for years
Sibling rivalry
Is a nice way to describe
Constant loud fighting
Children hate quiet
Like cats hate dogs and water
It’s anathema
Can I have some water
Another bed time delay
Little con artists
“Your child is so sweet”
Says my daughter’s friend’s parent
Really? Not at home
“I love you daddy”
Says a child after trouble
All is forgiven
“Mommy said I could”
After daddy said no.
Kids are devious
“Hey daddy, watch this”
A child says one hundred times
Each trip to the pool
So many questions
You are a curious kid
That’s great. Go ask mom.
Your child got new jeans
Oh look – a hole in the knee
Every single time
I am always tired
Children steal my life force
They are like vampires
Fireworks are boring
Except when kids are there
Then they are so fun
Girls can scream so high
My ears can barely stand it
Like a dog whistle
Everything is new
To a small child exploring
They notice it all
Like a fairy tale
Is how kids see a forest
So much adventure
“Dad are we there yet?”
I hear from the back seat
No we just left home
“I do not like it”
Children say without trying
New foods or restaurants
Best friends and worst enemies
Is the only description
To explain siblings
I love you daddy
Is the perfect sentence
After a long day
Parenting is hard
And that’s an understatement
But it is worth it