A handful of links that interested, amused or informed me from around the interwebs:
- There is almost nothing artistic about Starbucks. It is mediocre to poor coffee spun as “artisan” to lure us in. But this artist has done some great work making the ubiquitous ‘bucks logo into art.
- When you see things like this it just makes you sit back and marvel at the stuff God created creation to do. Really? A tiny spider building a web across a hole in a leaf as if it’s a patch on the elbow of a tweed coat?
- The only people who don’t enjoy good pranks are those who stink at them. Well, here are are a whole bunch that are both genius and simple. All they require is a sticker.
- Jimmy Fallon hosts Kevin Spacey, one of the most talented actors alive. They play “The Wheel of Impressions,” AKA “a chance for Spacey to show off his freaky ability to imitate other famous people.”
- A good handshake makes a strong first impression, but so many people get it wrong! What makes this video even better is that it was created by a government bureau. Because good handshakes will solves a nation’s woes.