I know I’m a day late and dollar short on reading and reviewing these books. But they are just too good not to review. In the off chance that some of you haven’t yet read them, please do so. You won’t regret the time, energy or money you put into it.
When Helping Hurts
By Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett
Forewords By David Platt and John Perkins
It is a rare book that under-promises and over-delivers. This book is one. It offers a new and better understanding of how to help the poor without being a detriment to them. What it delivers is a paradigm shift from the way most Americans and most churches actually seek to serve the poor. It is theologically rich, profoundly practical, and, at times, intensely convicting. Whether you are lay person inclined to service or philanthropy or a vocational minister seeking to impact the world for Jesus this book is one you must read.
A Praying Life
By Paul Miller, Foreword by David Powlison
Paul Miller does the impossible in these pages. He made prayer something desirable, fresh, and potent to a guy who has been inoculated to prayer since toddlerhood. To my recollection, I had never read a book on prayer because, well, it’s prayer. But this book gripped me, heart and mind. Miller simplifies prayer to the place of deep accessibility while simultaneously raising the eyes of the person praying to a BIG, sovereign God who can be trusted in the most child-like, dependent way because his love is as big as his power. There isn’t a person in the world who wouldn’t benefit from reading this book.