Several times a year I get invited to speak various places ranging from local churches to high school chapels to conferences to youth retreats. I enjoy speaking …
[Read more...] about 5 Temptations I Face as a Public Speaker
Barnabas /
Several times a year I get invited to speak various places ranging from local churches to high school chapels to conferences to youth retreats. I enjoy speaking …
[Read more...] about 5 Temptations I Face as a Public Speaker
Barnabas /
A couple years ago a post circulated around the internet called "Pixar's 22 rules of storytelling" which were actually the collected tweets of Emma Coats, a …
[Read more...] about Pixar’s 22 rules of storytelling visualized
Barnabas /
photo credit: ZORIN DENU via photopin ccI didn’t start many fist fights as a kid. Not many punches thrown or kicks leveled, but I still managed to hurt plenty …