Each week (give or take one or two here and there) I share three things I like – It could be a book, a movie, a podcast, an album, a photo, an article, a restaurant, a food item, a beverage, or anything else I simply enjoy and think you might too. You can find a whole pile of things, especially books, I like and recommend HERE.
1. Uniball Vision Elite Pens
I hand write all my outlines for articles or books or sermons, and these are the pens I use to do so. Now, some of you pretentious folks will insist that fountain pens are the best. THat’s fine if your pen is a status symbol rather than a writing tool. Others will advocate for the Pilot G-2, which I would simply call “the velcro shoe” of pens. The vision elite is smooth, dries quickly, and is a pleasure to use. It is the Toyota Camry of pens–not the most luxurious but always a great choice.
2. The Sandlot
I fell in love with this movie as a 10-year-old little league ball player watching it with my Elliot Park teammates at a season end party. It captures the essence of summer nostalgia with baseball and friendship and lifeguards and fireworks. It represents the summer and the team every ball-playing boy wishes he had and the rivals we all hated. Even the soundtrack is sublime. It is simply the perfect movie of boyhood. For the last twenty years or so I have watched it at least once a year, and it only gets more delightful when one’s children fall in love with it. I adjure you all, make a tradition of it.
3. Strikeforce Energy Drink
Now, when you read “energy drink” don’t think Monster or Red Bull or Celsius or whatever other sugar loaded nonsense is getting adolescents through algebra. Strikeforce was designed by special forces operatives to give them clear heads and physical energy without the crash. It comes in pinky finger sized packets of liquid that easily mix in with 16 ounces of water. It even tastes entirely decent. I use it before preaching. I use it to make up for the sleep I’m not getting with an infant in the house. I use it as pre-workout. It is like a little sanctified magic.