In this episode of The Happy Rant Podcast Ted, Ronnie, and Barnabas do what they always do and wander to and fro through a variety of subjects:
- Mailing tchotchke’s to promote books
- Driscoll’s marketing opportunism
- Amen and Awomen
- Ronnie’s podcast hosting insurrection
Our sponsor for this week’s episode is Randall House Publishers and their book A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry by Michael McGarry. Many churches continue to employ the same methods for youth ministry that have become entrenched over the last few decades, while others are questioning the need for youth ministry at all. McGarry explores the foundation of youth ministry in the Old and New Testaments and brings that together with Church history in a compelling way. This contemplative and well-researched book provides a careful critique of youth ministry along with practical guidance for those serving in ministry. McGarry shares five pillars of gospel-centered youth ministry and reminds readers of the spiritual priority of parents.
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Episode #329