In this episode of The Happy Rant Ted, Barnabas, and Ronnie discuss another round of Drisky business after Driscoll’s latest inflammatory comments.
- Playing right into Driscoll’s master plan
- Revising history about the relative crappiness of Calvinism
- Daddy issues and. projecting on the Young, Restless, and Reformed movement
- Fame Hunger and a refusal to avoid the spotlight
- What about wounded fathers?
- A new nickname for Mark
Thank you to our sponsor for this week’s episode: Dwell Bible App. Dwell is a Bible listening app offering reading plans, multiple narrators, musical background options, and a brand new read and reflect feature allowing with built in pauses for prayer and meditation. You can listen to passages on repeat to better memorize and remember as well. If you are looking for a convenient, fresh way of spending more time in God’s word Dwell is ideal. Go to to get 33% off your subscription. Normally it is about $3/month, but with this deal it is only $2/month – a great deal.
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Episode #256