Happy Christmas week, everyone. Also, may the force be with you and whatnot. Just because it;s a holiday week doesn;t mean we skip releasing a podcast for your happiness, so here you go. We rant bout all sorts of good things.
- A brief argument about the merits of cats and dogs
- Will our hosts participate in the Star Wars hubbub? Is the hubbub worth all the trouble?
- What are we to do when guys like Jerry Falwell Jr. or Franklin Graham make outlandish statements in response to Muslim extremists?
- Why is gluttony an acceptable sin for Christians, or at least one that never gets discussed?
We want to thank Resonate Recordings, the fine folks who make us sound listenable. If you are looking for great people to help your church put out recorded sermon audio or help you with a podcast they’re your people. They’ve also recently put out a couple albums for artists Whitney Bozarth and Adrian Mathenia and you can listen to those for free.
Feel free to hit us up on Twitter at @HappyRantPod or on Facebook with any topic suggestions or feedback. We love hearing from listeners!
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