A handful of links that interested, amused or informed me from around the interwebs:
- I have a soft spot in my heart for the song “500 Miles” by The Proclaimers because my wife and I had it as the recessional at our wedding. But have you ever wondered where they would actually end up if they did walk 500 miles? This map will show you.
- This is your periodic reminder that Humans of New York is among the most fascinating sites on the internet and always inspirational, depressing, enlightening, joyful, or any number of other adjectives.
- Australia seems like a great place to visit. Until you remember that everything there can kill you and wants to devour you.
- I have great respect for researchers and scientists who are exploring the mysteries of the universe, searching for cures to diseases, and expanding our knowledge of the universe. On the other hand, some scientists made these 11 discoveries which added exactly nothing to humanity.
- Mark Hamill played Luke Skywalker when Darth Vader revealed he was Luke’s father. Now Mark plays the Joker when he reveals he is Luke’s father. So, to add things up, Mark plays the Joker who tells Luke, also played by Mark, that he (Joker) is Luke’s father.
- If you were wanting an excuse not to work out with “tension bands” (a.k.a. bungee cords), well, here you go.
Photo Credit: ted craig via Compfight cc