With the recent kerfuffle over Mark Driscoll using church funds to hire a marketing firm to buy a spot on the NYT best-seller list, Stephen and I thought it would be wise to offer our expert punditry on the issue. Of course we took opposing positions on the matter. I was against the methods used and argue with eloquence, reason, and the moral high ground. Stephen was, well, wrong.
In Happy Rant #8 we discuss the greatest movies of all time. Or actually we discuss the movies we’ve enjoyed most at various points in our lives. You can learn lot about a person by knowing their favorite movies. What you ail learn about us is that Stephen and I are children of the 90’s, have impeccable senses of humor, and he, for some inexplicable reason, has never seen The Godfather. Surprisingly we disagree very little in this episode, but it does require me to recant previous statements I’ve made about such films as Braveheart and Forrest Gump.