A handful of links that interested, amused or informed me from around the interwebs:
- A good photobomb is always funny, possibly even moreso when an animal does it. Here are 39 of the best.
- Chicago has over 70 distinct neighborhoods, each with its own name and history. Here’s how they got those names; there are some fantastic historical tidbits in this piece.
- It’s always easier to have a good day when you’re around people having good days. Well, these 30 animals are the happiest you’ve ever seen.
- There are designers who work hard to emphasize efficiency and simplicity. This designer does simplicity; all her designs are simply unusable, intentionally and creatively so.
- You may have had a hard time getting up this morning, but at least your room mate or significant other didn’t do this to you.
- In a preview for his new comedy tour, Jim Gaffigan, one of my favorite comedians, praises ice cream and makes fun of weddings.
Photo Credit: ted craig via Compfight cc