Yesterday, Relevant Magazine posted an article about ten well-know pop stars who were all pastor’s kids. The names on the list are impressive (from a notoriety standpoint) and possibly a bit surprising.
I appreciated Relevant‘s intro as well. Rather than the “Can you believe this?!” that could have accompanied the list, they offered this:
There are a lot of different stereotypes about PK’s—some more fair than others—but maybe the safest thing you can say about being a PK is that it sets you up with some expectations. Every Sunday morning, you’re on a stage (sometimes literally), with members of the congregation going through a mental checklist of how you do or don’t fit in with their preconceived notions of what the son/daughter of a preacher man ought to be like.
There’s no blueprint for what becomes of PK’s. Some of them go on to become pastors themselves. Some of them hightail it out of vocational ministry fast as possible. And some of them, well, some of them go on to be stars. Here are a few of them.
It is those stereotypes and expectations that moved me to write The Pastor’s Kid: Finding Your Own Faith and Identity. While these ten are incredibly successful (or were, when they were alive), it’s pretty clear a few have moved pretty dramatically away from following Jesus. Others seem to be seeking and searching in their own right. But the last sentences of the intro are spot on: THere isn’t a blueprint or a road map. I talked to many PKs who are now in ministry and others who live life just to flip the church the bird. I hope my book will help all parties sort through the expectations and stereotypes and connect with Christ in a way that is real and personal.
Of course now that we’re just a few months from release I’m wondering if I should have tracked down a review from one of these uber-stars. Maybe Marcus Mumford could have written a song about it or something. I really wish Marvin Gaye was still alive to do it. He was amazing. Oh well, too late now.
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