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A handful of links that interested, amused or informed me from around the interwebs:
- The Twisted Sifter blog posts a “photo of the day” every day, all year long. Here are their top 100 photos for 2013. There are some fantastic shots here.
- Which states are healthiest and unhealthiest? Well, now you know. I spent eighteen years in the third healthiest state and am working hard to undo it now in number forty-two.
- Have you ever seen jello bounce in slow motion? Mesmerizing.
- We have some silly phrases in the English language, and some are made even sillier because we never think about them. Well, here are nineteen of those idioms and aphorisms interpreted more literally.
- If you got a $2 million dollar signing bonus to play baseball and could throw a 98 mph fastball, what would you do with your offseason? How ’bout substitute teaching for a bunch of middle schoolers? I can tell you, I’d never throw a paper airplane in this guy’s class for fear of what he might throw back.
- The top 50 sports plays of 2013. Wowzers.