A handful of links that interested, amused, or informed me from around the interwebs:
- My wife will not enter a room where she has seen a spider until I have come to the rescue and eliminated the threat. I can only imagine how she’d react upon seeing whole fields of spiders. Not well, methinks.
- Interesting news in the publishing world as Moody Publishers, my former employer, acquires WingSpread Publishers. This notable for a quite significant reason: by acquiring WingSpread Moody has acquired the majority of A.W. Tozer’s work. That is a solid addition for a great publisher.
- I’m not a fan of warehouse churches or shopping mall churches (referring to architectural style). They’re boring and ugly. So it’s good to know that there are still some beautiful places of worship being built around the world.
- If a business wants its workers to be more creative they should cut the lights (especially the fluorescent ones) since creativity thrives in the dark. Or maybe we should all just work more all-nighters.
- Three cheers for these passengers who staged a protest when a blind man was booted from a plane because his guide dog got restless after a 2-hour delay on the tarmac. Apparently American Airlines dislikes humans and dogs. Which makes sense since dogs are man’s best friend, and, therefore, are guilty by association.
- A word to all my Yankee friends. The South has raised some smart cookies. This high school student gives a five minute verbal beat down to the committee in charge of standardized testing, common core standards, and teacher evaluations. I want him on my team. And, by the way, he’s completely right about everything. Bravo.